Nomaflex can be stored outside and will not absorb water, break, flake or leach. It is flexible, yet rigid enough to be passed across a wet pour and can be used as a form. Nomaflex is less expensive to install and can be installed using traditional installation methods. Made in USA.
Product Features
- Waterproof
- Ultra lightweight
- Flexible
- Does not impede sealant cure time
- Durable
- Odor-free
- Clean product
- Less breakage
- Inert
- Easy to use, same installation methods as currently used
- Can be used with hot-pour and cold-applied sealants
- Recyclable / reusable
Nomaflex fully complies with ASTM standard specification D8139, and ASTM standard specification D1751 for extrusion, compression recovery and water absorption as tested per ASTM test method D545.