EUCO QWIKjoint 200 Polyurea Floor Joint Filler

Euclid Chemical

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Euco QWIKjoint 200 is a fast setting, semi-rigid polyurea used for filling control and construction joints in industrial concrete floors. It represents a new generation of polyurea technology with features and benefits unlike any other polyurea joint filler on the market. Among these benefits are a super fast set time and an extended shave time. Euco QWIKjoint 200 can be trimmed flush with the floor immediately after placement or up to 24 hours later. It supports and protects joint edges from heavy loads and wheel traffic, reducing spalling of the joint edges.

Product Features

  • Fast setting formula reduces downtime
  • Large shave time window allows for greater flexibility in scheduling joint filling operations
  • No bubbles - no foaming when used in damp joints
  • Tough performance reduces floor joint repairs and maintenance
  • Suitable for filling cracks in older floors to reduce the rate of joint deterioration
  • Will cure in temperatures as low as -20° F (-29°C)
  • Less moisture-sensitive than standard polyureas

Product Applications

  • Concrete construction and control joints
  • Crack repair for old floors
  • Industrial and commercial floors
  • Freezer floors


One gallon (3.79 L) of EUCO QWIKjoint 200 yields 231 in³ (3785 cm³) of material.
One 22 oz (600 mL) cartridge yields 40 in³ (655 cm³) of material.

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Euclid Chemical

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